Is it not possible that improved wages themselves can help lead to improved productivity, which can create a virtual cycle with wage growth over time . German powell yes and thats exactly what we hope is happening right now. Congressman so you are committed to keeping your foot off the brake . Chairman powell when im getting ready for this hearing i went back and read something you said in your very first year on the fomc committee. At the very first meeting one of the Bank President s rett Bank President s mentioned tighter labor markets and youve noted that you havent seen anything in the data yet to support that. It struck me as interesting because it got me to thinking about you three and you six and my frustration with both. And i think its been two and a half years since we hit the supposedly definition of a full employment, yet you three keeps dropping and the definition of full employment keeps chasing it. Dataont we just use wage to help define what full employment is . Chairm