By Sant Rajinder Singh Secretly, in every heart, lies the desire to have proof that there is God and we are soul, a part of God. Science exists to uncover these deepest spiritual truths. On.
By Shri Shri Anandamurti What is the human intellect for? A human body has three functions: its crude physical movement and physical progress, its intellectual progress, and its spiritual progress. So far as intellect is.
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A climate action plan: Here’s a proposal India can take to London, and be perceived as a serious player February 22, 2021, 8:25 PM IST
The writer is Professor of Finance at University of Chicago
Climate change is manifesting itself across the world, whether through unprecedented wildfires in Australia, droughts in Sub-Saharan Africa, or winter freezes in Texas. By some counts, India is among the countries most threatened by climate change. It’s in our interest to listen to our climate activists and press for global action.
While no country alone can make a difference, change is possible through cooperative global action. With the Biden administration fully prepared to recommit the US to do its bit, there’s hope for significant movement in the climate talks in London later this year. As a leader among emerging markets, India should go with a serious proposal likely to move the needle and also fai
Our consciousness is just like steel February 21, 2021, 8:30 PM IST
By Virendra Kumar Jain
There is an old saying, ‘As you sow, so you reap.’ Auspicious deeds bring beneficial results, while evil deeds bring harmful results. All living beings experience individually, the fruits of their past karmas. Nobody can escape the results of their acquired karmas. We must be answerable for our deeds.
According to Jain scriptures, the embodied soul attracts and gets bonded with karmic matter in the form of ultra-fine particles present everywhere in the universe, on account of actions by mind, speech and body or through passion. These karmas may show their results at any time during the life span of an individual or may be after that as well.
The world desperately needed a vaccine to reduce the misery caused by SARS-CoV-2. Outstanding work done by scientists, vaccine industry, funding agencies and governments has resulted in a clutch of vaccines being made available within.