isn t that classified, and now they have a different tune to sing now that they see political advantage with joe biden. bottom line, wolf, forget the parties. what s important here is we understand how this happened, it doesn t happen again and if there s any possibility that that information leaked, we need to understand how that might affect the security of the united states. very good point. congressman jim himes, thanks, as usual, for joining us. coming up, tornadoes are ravaging alabama and georgia right now. more could be coming as millions of americans are under severe storm threats across the southeast. ace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices togethther can help you make smarter decisions.. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. will you pause it real quick? (mumbles) just sold the car to carvana. what? all i had to do was answer a couple questio d got a real offer in seconds. then, they justpicked r and paid mright
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