one of them had a burglary conviction. these are petty criminals? yes, sir. as police pieced together ake and hatch s activities that day, they learned that after the two borrowed the yellow chevy, they drove into town and cleaned out their bank accounts. each one of them got approximately $500 out of a savings account. they bought beer, whiskey, and scored some speed and cocaine and roared off in the borrowed car to rob the family in hennessey. that crime netted more than $1,000 and a double-barrelled shotgun. from there, they headed south to okarche and the pastor s modest ranch house out beyond the street lights. assistant district attorney bill james responded to the crime scene at the douglass home that night. he was starting to help build a case. within 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 in the morning, we had the identity of the people because of the prior robbery. they took money out of bank accounts, robbed another place,
as they raced up route 81, brother and sister had a surreal, surprisingly composed conversation. it was very strange because there was, you know, moments of silence and, you know, then leslie asked me, are mom and dad dead, and i said, yeah, they are. and she goes, so, you know, what are we going to do? i guess we ll go live with our aunts and uncles. and i said, i guess so. i just said, we don t need to worry about it right now. we just need to, you know, need to get better. brooks was doing better than 100 miles an hour in his dad s 1970 plymouth duster. they drove to the lawn of a family friend, a doctor, and blurted out what happened. they actually didn t believe us. we said, we re shot, mom and dad are at the house dead, help us. then i collapsed as soon as i got in the living room.
malibu with primer spots. the victims who were robbed but not physically harmed gave deputies good descriptions of the men and their vehicle. investigators were able to tries the distinctive car to an oil field a few miles up the road from the douglass property. two rough necks working the drilling rig had up and quit that morning, taking off in a borrowed car. thought they were wanted for parole violations apparently. they weren t. they thought they were. the two were named stephen hatch and glen ake. and they were familiar already to the local police. one of them had a burglary conviction. these are petty criminals? yes, sir. as police pieced together ake and hatch s activities that day, they learned that after the two borrowed the yellow chevy, they drove into town and cleaned out their bank accounts.