20/09/2022 - The special 40th-anniversary edition of the Bulgarian gathering is presenting three additional full-length titles in competition in comparison to last year
19/01/2022 - Amidst a bureaucratically complex situation, the main film-funding body in Bulgaria is trying to restore its previous levels of activity and has distributed a total of €6.5 million
19/01/2022 - Amidst a bureaucratically complex situation, the main film-funding body in Bulgaria is trying to restore its previous levels of activity and has distributed a total of €6.5 million
19/01/2022 - Amidst a bureaucratically complex situation, the main film-funding body in Bulgaria is trying to restore its previous levels of activity and has distributed a total of €6.5 million
19/01/2022 - Amidst a bureaucratically complex situation, the main film-funding body in Bulgaria is trying to restore its previous levels of activity and has distributed a total of €6.5 million