warn them that shirley s life was in grave danger. when it came up, todd reine wants to kill shirley reine. the first thing out of their mouth was, do you know he is a federal witness? i just looked at them. basically didn t say much mr. after that, man. reporter: while cnn has been unable to confirm or deny todd s ties to federal law enforcement. he was at one time an informant for the local police department. he was protected by the police. he had the police. if you are not worried about the police. who are you worried about. an allegation that police have adamantly denied. but then why does the written report from john s 2003 meet make no mention of shirley or todd reine, anywhere? rams insists that he told
there had to be a question in his mind. they believe todd reine is the person who paid john rams to to do this. yet he is sitting in the score courtroom. how is that? the that was the most compelling argument i made in the trial. john rams, where is todd reine. sitting in the gallery not at counsel table. why isn t he charged? the man with motive, he s the man with the opportunity, means, why not charge him? why didn t they ever charge reine? a better question for michael o keefe. reporter: cape cod district attorney, michael o keeffe denied our request for an interview. i believe that if law enforcement had enough information to charge either one of the reines, or both of them, law enforcement would do so. and the reason they weren t charged was there wasn t enough evidence.
did he follow through with it? never once did i say, yeah, i will solidly do this for you. never once did i tell him yes, i will do this. reporter: the district attorney s office wasn t buying john s story and were betting the jury wouldn t either. john rams had been hired to do this job and todd reine had hired tim to do it. reporter: but the forensics told a very different story. there was no fiber, fingerprint, dna, trace, ballistics, foot impression evidence against john rams, none whatsoever. reporter: the one fingerprint that was discovered at the scene, didn t point to john either. john rams was excluded as a possible source of this latent print. reporter: the strongest evidence against him came from witness testimony by jail house informants including one former
he got his thing. boom, boom. done. everything done. reporter: what exactly did you take from shirley reine s home? we took the safe. i saw the sex tapes. i made a judgment call not to grab them. i don t know it was just icky. there was no cash in the $10,000 wasn t there. he got the documents. once todd reine had the documents he was looking for in that safe, short time later, a lawsuit was filed. against shirley reine. up next they put a hit out on her. she was afraid. who killed shirley reine? he wanted me to shoot shirley. go in her house and shoot her for him. so you re a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i ve got the solution.
authorities todd reine wanted her dead. why wasn t the report? it s hard to say. it does make you wonder. you know? what s going on here. reporter: we asked the dea who said the threat against shirley isn t in the report because john never discussed it. but john s attorney who was also present at that meeting confirmed to us he most certainly did. it could have been avoided. really could have. that life could have been saved. reporter: by may 9, 20005. it twwas too late. i tried. gave them two years in advance they still didn t do anything. reporter: after shirley s death, police launched a murder investigation. but instead, wound up solving the burglary case. during the murder investigation they came across information that led them to