Ask the Gardener: Have hemlocks had their day in the Northeast? Carol Stocker - Globe Correspondent June 30, 2021 11:31 am
What to do this week Move potted houseplants outside to a partly shady spot out of the wind for their summer vacations and group them for easier watering. Be sure to add drainage holes or gravel to the bottom of the containers so the roots don’t drown. Give new plantings, including trees and shrubs, an inch of water weekly, preferably in the early morning. Growing tomatoes in cages is a good compromise between staking and sprawling. Snip small suckers from between the branches of tomato plants and remove foliage shading ripening fruit. Apply water-soluble organic fertilizer monthly. Be sure to pull invasive plants such as garlic mustard before they go to seed. Watering an area beforehand makes weeding easier. If you have trouble telling weeds from flowers, remember most weeds are shallow-rooted annuals that respond to a gentle tug. Maintaining lawns