advertising and marketing thing they re doing, they can thint withstand it, he s right there. but what he is not right about is, according to stuff we looke at todayff w, we have 302005, mechanics and air travel worker short fontanez were the focus needbes to be longer if we are going to relieve people of student loans, we are to really people from student loans who want to go into the profession because we have such a need their. then hold arrows accountable, he s right ofesa ne t, both hold them accountable for excessive marketing where they cannot mee demands. i don t understand why you can stay at aning airport if you re supposed to be in a plane that is nine hours late, no fault of your own and you can get a hote check or at least those of celebrities could afford one bu they didn t want to go to to 150 miles away. sawatch everyday americanso d1 will book their flights ts believing they re going to take off on time and get to their destinations and don t? what do we expect them