concerns are growingemicals., pg water utility companies to take precautions. now, while reports are all over the place about animals falling sick and dying or circulating here with more is ohioe congressman bill johnson. he represents the district and wat the scs at the scene eaa today. i ve seen pictures of deady. fis h ,of of dead animals, people talking about they don tw believe the water is safe. how baba td is this? and what is the federal government done to help you? yeah, sean, i was i had bootons on the groundd yo earlier todau ary and you reimae exactly right. the primary concern of the number one priority is the th is the quality of the air,e airy livewateanr and the safety and security of the people that live there.d there. look, i haven t seen myself. i didn t see any dead animals.i i was toldi that there were some dead fish that that were in a nearby stroner water spot s