A three-judge federal appeals court panel heard oral arguments Wednesday in the dispute that has dragged on since a jury found attorney Kenneth Ravenell guilty in December 2021.
A three-judge federal panel unanimously ruled that South Carolina’s redrawn First Congressional District illegally removed 62 percent of the Black voters in Charleston County.
The Fourth Circuit denied national buffet chain Golden Corral's request to rehear its appeal for pandemic-related insurance coverage under its $50 million policy with Illinois Union Insurance Co.
The campaign organization for North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein has obtained an injunction that bars a local district attorney from prosecuting people involved in producing a negative advertisement about Stein’s opponent in the 2020 election.
The decisions about whether Trump’s name can appear on the presidential ballot will be made, in the first instance, by 51 different secretaries of state. It’s extremely likely that at least one of those election officials will find Trump disqualified under Section 3.