despite serious worries from voters. have a look. by the way, i ve been doing this a long time. ng i i know i don t look that old. i know i m a little under unr 103. a lot of you are tired 103.. you re tired now. i get it.g 110 try being 110an and doing it. again. i know i m 198 years old, but t all kidding aside. think about that. callt that. old. i call it season. all the years as a senator, which are 270. jas meanwhile, the white houseon cocaine scandaile, thel isn t gg away. house republicans announced they are launchinghoey an investigation, which, of course, was immediatelyissed dismissed by the left as a political stunt. by left asand when asked about the incident earlier today, white house pressy karine jean-pierre completely dodged the questiorine jean. have a look. can i just say once and for all, whether or not, the cocaine belonged to the biden family. beed to th know a couple of thi. we ve answered this question, litigated thistigate question fr the
we when we hear the news about e a bite, it s because of this, this negative or negative interaction. but we don t hear about all the times a shark swims close to somebody and nobody s somebos bitten. so, for example, in the video you re showing here, we have i think is a great hammerhea wd up by the beach. yeah, there was a big shark in the water. water, peo v see it, but nothing happened. and the vast majority of times that that s the outcom e nothing peopl happens. obviously, a lot of people are unaware when there are sharke sof a s to the river. and, you know, it s not really too much of a secret. there s probablyecere s tis l bs you be in the water that was a shark that you didn t know. was there and nothin. absolutely nothing happened because that s normally what the outcome is. all right, toby, let s let s, preten td for a second thata sh you do see a shark and you re in the water. ar what are you supposed to do?pli i mean, is the splashing and the urgency to get out ongf t
shark encounters this summer. shar his summk behavioral ecology yaologist yannis papa, stomach tissue and shark biologist toby daly. i hope you re pronounced your names properly. all right, toby, me, startpropey with you. is it always been like this or is it that the drones. now show us the sharks and wee e should have been equally as scared? you know, 20 years ago? what s going on? well, i don t think you should be scared, but, yes, every nowadays has a drone and a cell phone camera. so any time there is a sharka s that s spotted, everybody s going to knoeverybw it. and indians are yannick, i should sayd ya, are. should we be scared when we see it in the water? these things are happening all the time. we just usually obliviouall the to it. no, i don t think you neei d us. to be nervous. when think the problem with with shark bites is obviously when