Ottawa-based Shopify announced Thursday it was cutting its global workforce by 20 percent and offloading its logistics business to Flexport in order to focus on its core e-commerce activities.
Coinbase Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN) has received an average rating of “Hold” from the twenty-eight brokerages that are presently covering the firm, MarketBeat reports. Six research analysts have rated the stock with a sell recommendation, eleven have assigned a hold recommendation and eight have given a buy recommendation to the company. The average 1-year price objective […]
HC Wainwright started coverage on shares of Coinbase Global (NASDAQ:COIN) in a research report report published on Wednesday, MarketBeat Ratings reports. The firm issued a buy rating and a $75.00 price target on the cryptocurrency exchange’s stock. HC Wainwright also issued estimates for Coinbase Global’s Q1 2023 earnings at ($1.97) EPS, Q2 2023 earnings at […]
Richard W. Paul & Associates LLC purchased a new position in Coinbase Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN – Get Rating) during the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The institutional investor purchased 16,894 shares of the cryptocurrency exchange’s stock, valued at approximately $598,000. A number of other large […]
Shares of Coinbase Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN) have earned an average rating of “Hold” from the twenty-eight analysts that are presently covering the company, Marketbeat Ratings reports. Six equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, eleven have given a hold rating and eight have issued a buy rating on the company. The […]