reason, tolerance, free inquiry, those are western civilizations central gift to this world. it shouldn t surprise us that in places where the west is under attack, those very principles are under attack too. when they come for the columbus statue in your town it s worth fighting back because it s not about the statue, is about something much deeper. jason nichols is a professor at the university of maryland and he joins us tonight. professor, thanks a lot for coming on. thank you, talker, good to see you again. tucker: people are upset about columbus. here is the lens through which i view this. here you have an immigrant from a spanish-speaking country coming to this continent for a better life and you are saying is not welcome here. that sounds like bigotry to me. tucker, let me adjuster lends a little bit. we have a person coming from outside of our borders coming and terrorizing and killing
always a pleasure. tucker: a quick outline of what kind of taxpayer subsidy in effect the nfl enjoys? the current millionaires and billionaires are associated with professional sports leagues including the nfl have a tax exemption. they don t have to pay taxes so that special treatment that is not afforded to just regular folks in my district or the small businesses on main street throughout america. it s my belief that if the congress is serious about getting rid of the loopholes and special interest giveaways and the tax code in the coming weeks and easy place to start is by not subsidizing and not getting special treatment to professional sports leagues, particularly when the nfl league office has embraced this unpatriotic behavior. tucker: are confused as to why the congress would be giving tax breaks to one of the most lucrative businesses in america whose employees in some cases are paid tens of billions of dollars a year. why would we have that in the first place? it s
illegally. the missing ingredient in this recipe and i keep thinking this, what about americans were already here, a lot of whom are recent immigrants of different hues, by the way. if they are more affected by this man i am for example. what about them? i never hear anyone on the left mentioned american citizens or whether any of this is good or bad for them, ever. why? we do know that overall it can be very good, especially in california, we have entire industries depended on some of these workers that would be contacted. that s when we moved talk about implementing e-verify. for example, if you like to eat lettuce, that s coming from california. that s coming from monterey county. we need workers to pick the lettuce, we need workers to pick the strawberries. americans aren t doing that job, it is actually undocumented workers to let s get a work visa program in place so they can do those jobs. tucker: if you were to say i make sweatshirts and i do so
they might or might not have figured out this guy was a lunatic or the guy who shot up the gay bar. it goes on and on. tucker: before you get back into generalities, since you are a law professor i will hold you to specifics. then do what? you are familiar with the concept of civil liberties, familiar with the constitution. you can t punish someone for something he hasn t done, can you? or are you that we do that? you cannot but the police know the authorities know how many cars are having a garage, that no all sorts of facts about you. shouldn t they know if you have dozens of these guns and it s not just how about the silencers that they are trying to push through? why do we need silencers and guns? the mafia? tucker: now you re revealing yourself as ignorant so i will stop you there. i would like to hear that. tucker: let s be real. not what this man. tucker: don t embarrass yourself. by using the same criteria that you just lay out muslims are
like to present less% of the population since 9/11, the vast majority of terra deaths have been committed by muslim men. if you have muslim man who is very devout, that s a starker indicator by the numbers. should the police visit him and asking? i don t know what this has to do with muslims or anyone else. if you have a christian was associated with the ku klux klan or a muslim who associated with isis, yes, but the vast majority of muslims don t associate with isis. it has nothing to do with it. the police ought to know about the weapons. tucker: and then do what? your suggestion is not very smart with respect and then do what? i m not here to tell the police. tucker: i don t have to tell you that. how to investigate threats to public safety but i can assure you somebody is accumulating that many weapons in the police ought and somebody important were coming in like the president, you bet they would be looking into it. but they don t care when it comes to our family, my fam