In forming. Ironically, Operation Crossfire Hurricanrole Ie and perpetuating the russia hoax and the hoax that john durhamhoax. Said he te never should have existed. Let me put it simply, the guy that was out there accusing President Trump of colluding sident twith russia, he was thee that was actually colluding with russia. Dont worry y. He will be the next hero guest c on most dnc and fake news. Cnnnn but mechanical . Well, he wasnt alone. And we begin tonight with this, a simple truth and a sad reality. The United States oftes of America Today does not have equal justic ae under the law. It does not have equal application of our laws. We have a dual Justice System. We do have a doj that has been politicized and it has been weaponized in ways thisen countrys never seen before. Some examples. Bens look at Hillary Clinto and her 2016 campaign. You know, paying an ex foreign r spy, christopher steele, a tonis of money to put together campaig Campaign Op Research that was filled with rus
part of why president trump is way ahead of many differentaf republican aspirants for the presidential nomination is peopl peoe see him as a fighr and they see him as a winner and they see him a little bit as a victi litm because as elena and others have pointed out quite correctlliy cogently, thee is a two tiered system of justicd systeme and. it seems like there s one for donald trump and one for everyone else. how in the world can you have. w et most liberal county in georgia, d.c., new york city, all these places that voted against him where he i don t think d ag he could get a fair trial, to be frank with you. and i don t think people facinhg the cameras with glee promising to get trump as part of their election pitch, as law enforcement officers, as district attorneys and whatnot. he s got i think he s got a lotf of runway that will allow himbue to to make that argument. but but let me say this.t i i don t like to thindon k of convictions and punishment and all that. but i think