water didn t fire on them, but they street fought. that s where we are now. next comes our lexington. it s coming. just one more thing i want to share with you from today s diameter because it continues beyond january 6th. there is a section of the wesg. y b titled coconspirators continue plots after, quote, throughout the evening of january 6th, 2021, the co-conspirators discussed the need to continue fighting to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power. in the weeks after january 6th rhodes purchased a large volume of firearms and related equipment. the indictment then lists thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars worth of sights and bipods and mounts and baugsen a gun grips, ammunitione gun cases, hollisters, and gun maintenance equipment all purchased by mr. rhodes at that time. you see the dates there. january 10, january 11, january 12, january 13, january 14-19. adding up all the purchases listed in theal indictment that rhodes made of firearms and related equip
mr. rhodes appears to be in those comment reese fehring to the storming of the serbian parliament in 2000. rhodes shared with his followers a video and step-by-step destruction guide to overthrowing the government he received from a serbian activist. that step-by-step guide included storming the parliament in our country. we don t call it the parliament. we call it the capitol because it houses our congress. but same idea. the indictment continues, quote, on december 11th, 2020, rhodes sent a message to oath keepers stating if president biden were to assume the presidency, quote, it wille be a bloody and desperate fight. we are going to have a fight. that can t be avoided. on december 25th, merry christmas, mr. rhodes wrote,
conspiracy, according to prosecutors, these guys arranged for firearms and combat training. s they acquired weapons, lots of them. even discussed setting up a stockpile of weapons in a hotel just outside washington, d.c., so they could go retrieve weapons quickly for use on whatever it was theyon were planning to get themselves into inside the nation s capitol on january 6th. all of those guys previously indicted were part of our right-wing dress-up pseudo parliamentary organization called the oath keepers. this is how the federal indictment described the oath keepers. the oath keepers are a large but loosely organized collection of individuals, some of whom are associated with militias. the oath keepers explicitly ofe focus on recruiting current and former law enforcement, military, and first responder personnel. the oathd keepers are lead, th person says, by, quote, person
this is from an associated press report days after the attack. quote, as president donald d trump s supporters massed pr outside the capitol last week, a line of men wearing olive drab helmets and body armor trudged purposefully up the marble stairs in a single-file line, each man holding the jacket collar of the man ahead. thate format known as ranger fe is standard operating procedure for a combat team that is stacking up to breach a building. it s instantly recognizable to any u.s. soldier or marine serving in iraq or afghanistan. it was a chilling sign that many at the van guard of the mob that stormed the seat of american democracy either had military training or were trained by those who did. again, that was the associated press reporting just days after the attack. this is the footage, though, that made it come into very stark relief.
conspirators to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power. on november 5th two days after the presidential election mr. rhodes urged followers to refuse to accept the election results and states, quote, we weren t getting through this without a civil war. too late for that. prepare your mind, body, spirit. on november two days later on november 7th, 2020, the day president trump was projected to have lost the presidential election, mr. rhodes wrote to fellow oath keepers quote we must now do what the people of s serbia did when milosevic stole their election. he refused to accept it and marched en masse on the nation s capitol.