would send the rest us to prison. nice to see you. thank you. nice to see you. your work exposed so much, i mean, it s almost breath less how bad what was going on at capitol hill. members of congress were getting rich on insider trading. give me an example, republican and democrat. you could look at a president like spencer back cuss, senior ranking member on the finance committee. during the crisis in september before it hit he gets private briefings from the fed chairman and fed secretary, very secretive meeting, they have to leave their blackberries and cell phones at the day. next day after the briefings he would go out and buy stock options shorting the market and made a lot of money doing so. that would be a republican example. a democrat example would be nancy pelosi. she got access to selective and special i. p. o. shares of stock whereby she could buy stock for
that s what i m asking. do you think it s all right for a speaker to accept a very preferential, favorable stock deal? and if you participated in the ipo and at the time you were speaker of the house. you don t think it was conflict of interest? no, you decide you re going to have elaborate on a false premise. but it s not true. and that s that. wow. just 60 minutes confronting nancy pelosi about lucrative investments she made in 2008. the piece was based on allegations made in a new bookmaking major headlines. here s the title of the book throw them all out: how politicians and their friends get rich off insider tips, land deals, and cronyism that would send the rest of us to prison. that s quite a title.
of the turmoil on wall street has been triggered by fears over the european debt crisis and the anemic economies. and richard quest, one of the best people to turn to when we want perspective on the global economy. he joins us from london. what happened in the european markets today? reporter: the europeans went down initially and then down further and they rallied with wall street. we closed down 1% in london, and paris 1%, and frankfurt, once again the german market is being creamed by what is happening at the moment, by far and away being breutally attacked. and the german industry has made much from the exports and those promised to be hit by the u.s. slowdown and elsewhere in the world. putting it altogether for you, and as we look at the weekend, i cannot agree more with alison, and basically what we are seeing this afternoon is market exhaustion. people have literally just have been gasping there way. there will betrayeding because of triple witching. but by and larg
endangerment for what you see on this videotape. watch here now, shot outside a courthouse in infield connecticut this morning. look now. that man is spraying two television journalists with what we are told is insecticide. police had already accused the man of accepting stolen beer from a white house driver. that driver killed 8 of his co-workers and himself at a work place shooting earlier this month. insecticide and arrested. our blago s jury delivering a guilty verdict that could send the former illinois governor to prison. it is far from the end on planet blago. not without a fight. blago s promise is coming up next. and while you are waiting for blago s promise, which was delivered just a few, well, 35, 40 minutes ago. log on to foxnews.com, find out the latest details from the planet. including a new slide show. starring blago s perfect hair. [ male announcer ] what is performance?