guilty of murder with malice and given the sentence of death by the electric chair. what do you think of this verdict? i believe that jack ruby was a paid killer to close the mouth of my son, lee harvey oswald. the question of whether ruby knew oswald before is one of the most important questions. ruby knew people in criminal activities, there was a lot of investigation of a potential conspiracy. ruby would have been one of the most unlikely and worst hit men that the mob could ever get. november 24th, 1963, oswald was supposed to be transferred. ruby got dressed and went downtown. the receipt shows ruby was sending a money order to one of his strippers at a western
had done a good job and would come up with an answer. when the warren commission report came out, i believed it. we were still in a time when you tended to believe what officials told you. it is now 15 seconds after 6:30 p.m. eastern daylight time sunday september the 27th. as of this moment, the report of the president s commission is public record. for the next half hour, we will search it for answers. first, must come the answers to the two great overriding questions. who killed john f. kennedy? the commission answers unequivocally lee harvey oswald. was he acting alone for a member of a conspiracy? the commission answers, he acted alone. we knew most people were not going to read all of the
but we cannot say too much. oswald was never tried for any crime, and perhaps, thereafter, there will always be questions raised by amateur detectives, skeptics, and students as well. we are the jury, america and throughout the world. the reaction to the report was initially very positive, but that didn t last very long. this book is the number one best seller in the country. rush to judgment by mark lane. it s gained a vast number of reader in the recent ground swell of skepticism about the findings of the warren report. we did not envision the scope of the criticism. please greet mr. mark lane. no matter how illustrious is members were, we would not be assured by a commission. what were you saying,
the man the suspect s name is jack rubenstein, i believe. he goes by the name of jack ruby. and here at associated press, a still picture of the moment, the splint second as the shot was fired. this is the man dallas police have identified as jack rubenstein, and this, of course, is lee harvey oswald. you see the gun in the hand of ruby and just about to be fired. i know my own feelings were, and i think they were widely shared by many if not most americans this can t be coincidental. the assassin is assassinated in the police station. what in the hell is going on? just learned from city hall from a very authoritative source that police are working on the assumption that there indeed is a connection between jack ruby and lee oswald. and that in some manner of speaking, oswald s murder was to shut him up.
assassination, it was very obvious to virtually everyone in dallas law enforcement that oswald had killed kennedy. chief, can you tell us in summary what directly links oswald to the killing of the president? well, the fact that he was on the floor where the shots were fired from immediately before the shots were fired. the fact he was seen carrying a package to the building, the fact that when was he carrying that package? yesterday morning. after the shooting in dili plaza, oswald was the only employee at the book depository that fled the building. 45 minutes later, he shoots and kills officer j.d.tippit. half hour later at the texas theater, he resisted arrest by pulling a gun on the arresting officer. during 12 hours of interrogation by the dallas police department over the weekend, he told one provable lie after another. did you buy that rifle? that s the facts you people have been given but i emphatically deny these charges.