ukraine right now. how are the challenges different in this situation? well, we are cooking less than 24 hours after the russian invasion. but you ask me what the situation is inside ukraine. today i am in lviv. if i take you down the streets, the churches are full, cafes have people, life seems normal until you hear a siren, an alarm, where everybody obviously moves away and tries to go to the safety of a basement, or bunker or wherever they have nearby. so the front line where the war is happening, we know man and woman are dying, innocent children in schools, protecting themselves from shelling and all of a sudden we see the horrors
ukrainian diaspora are standing together would ukraine s armed forces to fight for our independence and the freedom of all of us, not only ukrainians before europeans and americans, for all the countries. their families that lost loved ones, parents that lost children, every day in lviv, you have funerals. the same peters cathedral, the man normally attends these funerals. you see the eyes of the parents of the children that died. there is zero, but there are also proud. there is huge dignity for their children that fought to defend their country.
as we walk around the city and talk to people, some of them are from lviv. some are from kyiv or other places. they come here because they think it s safer. some people from lviv have gone further west, even to poland are hungry. lviv is one of the largest cities in ukraine. about 1 million population. according to the un refugee statistics, you have more than 200,000 internally displaced people currently residing in lviv. the city is trying to support to our refugee registration welcome centers. there are people from all over ukraine. many of them fleeing the war zones in mariupol, chernihiv. many people from lviv hosts the
you re gonna feel right at home. as they always say, new jersey and you, perfect together. on that very good note, i wish you at home, a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with us. i ll see with and tomorrow. tomorrow rachel is on hiatus. i am joining you once again tonight from the city of lviv, ukraine. as the russian invasion grinds through its fifth week, this conflict does not seem to be moving in the way it was supposed to be. it seems at an inflection point. no one quite knows where it is on the other side of this moment. if it is changed, for the better or worse? what everyone seems to be agreeing on is that ukraine has been able to fight on the ground advance to halt the
no-fly zone of their zone. john spencer, specializing in urban warfare or he went viable a few weeks ago tweeting detailed instruction on how to stave off a russian city takeover. he too is calling for u.s. intervention. euro arching a special edition of velshi, live from lviv. riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america s number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan s not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no. get ready for next level entertainment. apple tv+ is now on xfinity. howdy y all. with new apple original series and movies added every month. .there s always something new to discover.