if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. all right. there s a lot going on this morning. let s get caught up on some of the other headlines making news with today s panel. starting with the chicago tribune. the headline bush walker trump. allow guns in military recruiting offices. this is the response you re starting to hear from republican presidential candidates to the tragedy in chattanooga. three republican candidates yesterday calling for an end to the ban on military officers carrying guns in service offices. five fatalities in chattanooga. what do you make of it jonathan? every time a tragedy like this happens, the response is give the people in the targeted place a gun, whether it s a middle school whether it s a movie theater. the answer is always give
service. courtesy disconnects. come on. to the break fast budget breaker. it has to do with the avian flu affecting 49 million chickens and turkeys. and that has whole sale egg prices up over 85%. meaning essentially doubling the price of a carton of eggs. overall the core index, only a fraction so we re not seeing a lot of inflation at the grocery store but significant. if gas prices were up and the trucking involved in getting eggs to the store you would see it up. we re lucky on the gas front. in hail uber we see the service becoming a leading choice. yeah. this one is interesting. score for the sharing economy, uber analysis of business receipts that you submit as part of your expense report now is surpassing taxi receipts and taking market share from rental cars. you have more options now and in
it took a lot of time. we beat it back. now new york is held harmless and we don t lose funds. and we have the highway bill. we ll run out of highway funding come july 31st. finding a way to fund it in a bipartisan way, has to have support. i m resolved this weekend to get in my little chair that i ve had in my house for 32 years in brooklyn and read it thoroughly and then i ll talk to people. talk to the administration. i m have a lot of questions and concerns on both sides of the issue. the one thing i m going to do is this is what i ve learned through the years. my 41 years as an elected official. on important things just do the right thing. now, you know no one has a monopoly on what the right thing is, but do what you think the right thing is. i m going to spend a lot of time thinking about it learning about it and i ll just do the right thing. i m not going to let party or pressure or anything else. what s good for america first and foremost and what s good for
you know there is nothing you can t get in any trouble for doing that. so yeah. i think he s going to have a bunch of boxes checked that say over $50 billion for asset categories and some boxes checked that say over $5 million for income. and, you know who knows. robert costa, this is i can remember having this discussion with people four years ago in 2011 when trump was flirting with running back then. the standard line you would hear from people is he s never going to actually go through with it because he doesn t want to fill out this form the form lawrence was describing. i was probably saying it myself over the last few months as he was flirting with 2016. now he s done it. he has done the thing a lot of people were saying for years, this if there was anything to keep him out of a presidential race it would be this. was this a factor for him four years ago? is it something he didn t want to do? i don t think the financial disclosure forms wrere a factor
time trying to convince congress not to kill this deal. for more on that nbc s kristen welker joins us from the front lawn of the white house. new round of diplomacy of the white house. they have to keep their party from revolting on this issue. reporter: the next big battle on the iran deal steve. white house officials know realistically they ll probably not get the deal approved by congress as you pointed out. the goal is really to try to get a veto-proof number of law makers on board. that will require a lot of democrats. having said that this is really important for the president politically. he wants robust support from law makers to try to present a united front to the trasht community international community. president obama, top officials here will try to build up the support. we saw the strategy start to emerge this week. you had vice president joe biden meeting with law makers on