same thing hydroxychloroquine, 1600 deaths. there s something going on here. i believe it s sinister. i can t explain it. sbut hopefully eventually the truth will come out. maria: senator, real quick before you go. got to talk about hunter biden. qyou have been investigating ts situation along with chuck grassley. what is the deal in terms of hunter and joe sharing a bank account when he was vice president while hunter was traveling the world, meeting with chinese oligarchs and chinese government officials and getting paid for it? we still could not get confirmation from this white house that hunter still has a fipiece of that private equity firm in china. is that why this administration is so soft on the ccp? it s real possibility. the other thing we don t know we do know that joe biden used a private e-mail account and he was passing government information along to hunter. but we can t get information out of that as well. again, there s a lot of things