most democrats, regard as noxious, they ll be in trouble. play to your strength, mr. president. you ve done a lot. you have only spoken about a third or half of what you ve done. stick to that. push them on the policy issues. point out what the leading candidates for the democrat nomination stand for and that s a winner. that s a 45-state winner. bill: another rally in cincinnati ohio coming up in a few days. thanks for coming back today. 27 past. fox news alert. jeffy epstein is back before a judge today. federal judge expected to decide whether to grant him bail. we re live in the courthouse on that. heather: we ll meet the republican challenger stepping up to run against alexandria ocasio-cortez in 2020. her name is scherie murray. she says the narrative on the national level needs to be dialed back and she will join us live to explain what she means up next. i do believe that aoc has