or the cha-cha. and there were plenty of famous faces in the crowd, sarah palin, returned to cheer on bristol. we ll find out who will be the first to go home tonight. john, sunny. emmitt smith, shaking his bon-bon. he can move. can you move like that? no. i wish. are you sure? i think you can. it s a static photo. i look pretty good. nah. i missed that part, my training. dance never got in there. we need to have dancing with the world news now anchors. i bet you, you can. sunny hostin, you can dance. i can shake my bonn-bonn, yes. that s the news for this half-hour. remember to follow us on facebook at wnnfans.com. see you in a little bit. on facebook at wnnfans.com. see you in a little bit. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home
reporter: or the cha-cha. and there were plenty of famous faces in the crowd, sarah palin, returned to cheer on bristol. we ll find out who will be the first to go home tonight. john, sunny. all right, brandi. look at emmitt smith like shaking his bon bones. i know. he can move. can you move like that? no. i wish. are you sure? i think you can. it s a static photo. i look pretty good. but na. i think you can. i missed that part in my training. dance never got in there. we need to have dancing with the world news now anchors. i bet you can. sunny hostin, you can dance. i can shake my bon bon, yes. that s the news for this half-hour. remember to follow us on facebook at wnnfans.com. we ll see you in a little bit. see you in a little bit. i m only in my 60 s.
the camera out. moments later all hell broke loose. collier is shooting at the officers in the street. rookie officer tim mcfarland in the foreground uses greg s car as cover. i zoom in on the officer across the street. i see he has his hands up to his throat and has blood coming down his hands. it s mcfarland s partner officer jared slocumb. he s been shot in the left temple. it has exited the rear of his head. when i saw that he was shot, i was scared. i was, like, okay i m going to have to go get my partner. because he s got to go home tonight. couching behind collier s white pickup truck, officer slocumb clutches his neck. a reaction caused by the head injury.
drawn. i pulled up on the curb and got the camera out. moments later all hell broke loose. collier is shooting at the officers in the street. rookie officer tim mcfarland in the foreground uses greg s car as cover. i zoom in on the officer across the street. i see he has his hands up to his throat and has blood coming down his hands. it s mcfarland s partner officer jared slocumb. he s been shot in the left tempt. it has exited the rear of his head. when i saw that he was shot, i was scared. i was, like, okay i m going to have to go get my partner. because he s got to go home tonight. couching behind collier s white pickup truck, officer slocumb clutches his neck. a reaction action caused by the