all of this of course happening ahead of president biden s expected meeting with vladimir putin. how would you expect the president to respond to this? he talks a tough game, he says we re going to be tough on the russians come up vladimir putin a killer, but how many attacks, hack attacks do we hav to have? we crippled the american econom with the colonial pipeline, wha did we do, what was a response? we let the russians build a pipeline of their own to germinate, and we need to stand up to putin. i ve studied him for decades going back to when he brought his dissertation. he is a bully and he s going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing until he gets pushed back. if i were biden, what i would d with this meeting i would walk in and say until you prove to m that you weren t responsible, i m holding you responsible. great to see you. have a wonderful weekend.
new york, the intelligence, the political foreign policy stuff, the former director of the cia and the president of the council on foreign relations. phil, i want to start with you. when ever these events take place, we look back and say we should have known these guys. you ve been there in realme. there are thousands of leads all the time. what turns out to be lead, 99.9% of them false. were there genuine mistakes in this case? the day after, you re saying here is the data. how could you not have seen this in advance? you have to go to the day before. you have a sea of information and you have to boil it down to one case. you can t do that with a 100% probability. what we may find here is not necessarily that you can find every one of these cases that europe, some states are still reluctant to pass the information to another state
that s not going to bring long term solutions. do you think there s way to take out the brains of the operation in syria through air strikes? we ve got to step right out two things. you need people on the ground to hold territory. the people fighting for territory aren t threats in new york. that s point targets that you can beat with air strikes if you have the right intelligence. over time you re going to have to slowly eliminate safe haven so the nerve centers don t have place to germinate. they re not effective against insurgents who hold territory. what phillip is saying patience. we can grind these people down. is that correct? can the american political system deal with that. there was an attack in america, the impulse to do something will be irresistible. it is essentially right.
lifetime the united states fought five wars and began with great support. in all of them, americans began to ask how quickly can you with draw. in three of these conflicts the united states with drew its forces unilaterally. today we re watching the war against aye sis. let us make sure we understand what it would entail not just to start it, but also to end it. one place to learn some lessons bhiegt from strategy that has been relatively successful. as noted in 2012 a year after bin laden s death, the group s leadership has been destroyed as resources disappeared and the support among the arab public plummeted. it s not been able to launch an attack on western soil since the london bombings ten years ago. it did not always look like