like this would be subject to a lot of scrutiny, a lot of meetings. what happened here is you had one phone call from the president of turkey to president trump. the same day an announcement is made that we are withdrawing the support from the kurds, that the turks can go forward with their military operation, basically green-lighted by the white house in that phone call, but also in a statement we all read. and now within just a matter of days, we see a humanitarian catastrophe with 150,000 people displaces. the kurds, our allies, being killed. we see a geopolitical controversy as russia, iran, and others are moving into that space and bashar al assad. and we see a national security crisis with those isis fighters being released. i want to play for you the secretary of defense on fox news sunday. we ll talk about it on the other side. it gets worse by the hour, chris. these are all the exact things that we have communicated to president erdogan and his ministers. i warned them tha
pro quo. so this is now becoming more and more revealed, and folks sit back and go, maybe there is a there there. phil rucker, how do you reckon it is mike pence can stand in the driveway and say that there was no green light? this takes a heap of denial from top to bottom that this didn t entirely change when donald trump hung up the phone with erdogan. i mean, brian, it all changed when donald trump hung up the phone with erdogan. part of what was going on there was president trump wasn t following a script. he was kind of riffing in that call with president erdogan, which is frankly what he does in a lot of his conversations with foreign leaders. he was not following the direction of his advisers for months now. the national security team around a president has been warning him about the dangers, about the risks of pulling troops back out of syria, about this sort of series of dominoes
release of isis prisoners to a humanitarian catastrophe. it will damage u.s. relations with turkey. all this is playing out exactly as we predicted. we again urge president erdogan to stop and go back to the status quo. ben, this is secretary of defense. he happens to be a substantial guy. but listen to the tone. we ve warned them they better not do this. they were given a tacit green light by any definition. yeah. brian, here s what s important. other leaders have figured out that one person makes the decision in this administration. it s president trump. and so they can just completely shut out and ignore anything that is said by anybody else because erdogan could go to trump himself and get the answer he wanted to hear, which is, go ahead. come on into syria. we ll pull back. we ll pull out. so it s kind of extraordinary to see these officials now talking about sanctions on turkey for the very operation that trump green-lighted to erdogan. and i think putin, erdogan, and others
whisper, emphasizing the shared relationship, there s a shared love of pomp and circumstance and building on the friendship of our two countries going back to the american revolution which is one of the way they dined at mount vernon last night, washington s home. on policies they could not be further apart. climate change, syria, trade as you point out. macron is a radical centrist, macron is defending himself as a defender of liberal democracy in the west. trump is much more comfortable with some of the forces on the other side of that ledger from brex brexit, to erdogan. there are real tensions. can personal diplomacy bridge those? that s macron s bet. because at the end of the day, his desire to make france great again depends on a close alliance with donald trump s america. whether that s unpopular at home or not. but it s a big bet because they disagree on details of policy on