she showed last night that she was willing to respect wholeheartedly and the sincere of the moderators and the audience. he has shown such disrespect to so many people in this country. that s clearly what she went on the stage and intend on doing and i think she did a good job of making sure she delivered on her strategy. former texas, state senator, wade davi wendy davis, thank you. thank you. could that be a preview of trump s strategy and the reporter of the bomb shell video. join me on this thought of how trump address that
happy that the combative trump showed off. his favorite line of the night was his clip that hillary clinton should be in jail. we have new press coming in. hillary clinton s plane arriving in detroit. we ll see her in her first appearance coming up. joining me is the reporter who broke friday s story about that 2005 tape showing donald trump and those sexually suggested comments that he had to respond to last night in front of millions of people. david, what was your reaction how he handled the question last night and how he explained himself? it was interesting how he expressed it as words. he was saying word that is were lewd or offensive which was part of the problem.
reporter: that s right, our wall street journal polls show difficult numbers here for donald trump. 41% toll us his words were completely unacceptable. while 31% it was inappropriate but that s just how men talk, of course, that was donald trump s stance on the debate stage. 67% of republicans still support him as the nominee. 9% no longer support him and 14% want him to drop out. so that, of course, is the problem that republicans are dealing with publicly today. even though there is something of a sense that trump manage to stop the bleeding a little bit on this issue. you are starting to see this ever more public and that s what the clinton officials are focusing on today. we have this in who is traveling on the plane with clinton and she spoke with some of the reporters on their way here. she says the republicans have a
check and balance on hillary clinton. i don t think there is very many people who know about politics and are watching of the data that s rolling in and believe that hillary clinton is going to be the next president. that s the bed the republican party have made itself by nominating a weak candidate as donald trump. what he is saying is we need to do what we can do in order to try to hold on of the republican majority so that the congress is the last stance against hillary clint clinton s agenda. mike pence is standing by. i want to play a portion of the interview that i have with my colleague, take a look. what do you say of my mom of a suburban republican woman who can no longer vote for him because he does not believe in her daughter. what i would tell your mom or anybody else is that there are two human beings running in this election and nobody s perfect. i can think one person in human
kasie hunt is traveling with the clinton campaign today. kristen mentioned that we have donald trump appearing before women who claimed to be victimized by bill and hillary clinton holding this news conference with them on facebook and inviting them inside the town hall. donald trump had to respond when he was asked about those 2005 comments caught on an opened mic. this was locker room talk. i am not proud of it, this is locker room talk, i hate it but it is locker room talk and it is one of those things that it was locker room talk everyone can draw their own conclusions about this point about whether or not of the man in this video or the man on stage respects women. he never apologizes for anything to anyone. casey, the caveat of locker-room talk is having an impact on the polling, negatively on trump.