of the american people, we need to support people that want are willing to die for freedom, if thank you. trey: so much. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. good night. from south carolina.
need to support people that want are willing to die for freedom, ifhank you. trey: so much. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. good night. from south carolina. [ sound of gunfire ] i am sorry. i am sorry for my country, nobody, expect this. stay together for me. i believe that the kids shouldn t hear the bombs. vladimir putin brings his assume on ukraine to nato s
the children s march. that was very, very controversial. to put children in a situation where you knew that there was going to be violence visited upon them. we had never done that before. we had never had children before and we didn t know what could happen. these are some of the 1,100 children of birmingham who demonstrated in the streets and went to jail and then were either suspended or expelled from school. these were 11th and 12th graders who were mostly 16 to 19. they were very mindful of the fact that in another year they could be sent to vietnam to die for freedom abroad for somebody else. the students cut classes and took to the streets by the hundreds, following dr. king s tactics of going to jail deliberately to dramatize the negro protest against segregation. unlike albany, the supply of recruits for the so-called
grown adult protesters get attacked, the media covers it, but after a while that tactic doesn t draw the media anymore. so then king thinks, what can i do now? that s when he decides to have the children s march. that was very, very controversial. to put children in a situation where you knew that there was going to be violence visited upon them. we had never done that before. we had never had children before and we didn t know what could happen. these are some of the 1,100 children of birmingham wh went to jail and then were either suspeed or expelled from school. these were 11th and 12th graders who were mostly 16 to 19. they were very mindful of the fact that in another year they could be sent to vietnam to die for freedom abroad for somebody else. the students cut classes and took to the streets by the hundreds, following dr. king s tactics of going to jail deliberately to dramatize the negro protest against
so then king thinks, what can i do now? that s when he decides to have the children s march. that was very, very controversial. to put children in a situation where you knew that there was going to be violence visited upon them. we had never done that before. we had never had children before and we didn t know what could happen. these are some of the 1,100 children of birmingham who demonstrated in the streets and went to jail and then were either suspended or expelled from school. these were 11th and 12th graders who were mostly 16 to 19. they were very mindful of the fact that in another year they could be sent to vietnam to die for freedom abroad for somebody else. the students cut classes and took to the streets by the hundreds, following dr. king s tactics of going to jail deliberately to dramatize the negro protest against segregation. unlike albany, the supply of