what s the time? 25 till. back down to the show office. after a full day of intense flesh-and-blood work performing autopsies on two homicide victims, dr. tracy corey leaves the lab far behind and heads for lexington, kentucky. she s here to accept an award for competitive equestrian riding. a passion that s a world away from her demanding life as a medical examiner. tracy corey. good boy. we all cope with the stress of the job in different ways. some of us paint. a lot of pathologists like to cook. because it s procedure oriented and we get to use knives, i think.
what s the time? 25 till. back down to the show office. after a full day of intense flesh-and-blood work performing autopsies on two homicide victims, dr. tracy corey leaves the lab far behind and heads for lexington, kentucky. she s here to accept an award for competitive equestrian riding. a passion that s a world away from her demanding life as a medical examiner. tracy corey. good boy. we all cope with the stress of the job in different ways. some of us paint. a lot of pathologists like to cook. because it s procedure oriented
we also offer a ribeye, filet mignon and salmon. so there s a choice. and half the people don t choose turkey. so that s kind of interesting. i ve never been to a restaurant on thanksgiving. but i m sure the food is delicious. maybe one day i ll try it if i don t have somewhere to go. but i always have somewhere to go. it s a nice day to come to a restaurant and kind of let a chef take care of everything for you. let the chef take care of everything. nothing wrong with that. i know you re a big proponent of having everything at home. that s just because i love to cook. if you don t like to cook if you don e t l leaniou don e t our friends at barbalud, a restaurant here in the upper west side of manhattan, they cooked us up some they have turkry here, lam,
london as police struggle to take back control of their streets. now americans are being urged to use caution when traveling around the city. good morning again. i m carol costello. three members of the congressional super committee have been chosen. nine more to go. there are 12. they will have 90 days to come up with $1.5 trillion in spending cuts. the selections and reaction to them on this american morning. all right. good morning, it is wednesday august 10th. ali is off today after working i think 15 or 16 straight days covering the markets and all that. more on the markets and the economy in just a moment. you seem a little short today. i know. i have a high chair. i think so. i like that. you re taller than i am, carol. good morning. i m carol costello. actually we have to talk about this first, london is burning a fourth night of looting and violence in the streets, parts of london resemble a war zone with burned out buildings and destruction. 16,000
joining us on the phone heather cobbler with the colorado police. if you can, tell us exactly how they were spotted and how they were taken into custody. well, good morning, first of all. these three suspects were taken into custody after what was about a 20-mile high-speed pursuit. initially this morning a witness said they spotted somebody that matched the description of who we were looking for, and troopers in the area tried to initiate contact on i-25 south of pueblo. it was then they fled and crashed. the three of them were considered armed and dangerous. any word on injuries or a shoot-out? during the pursuit, there were shots fired at law enforcement from the suspects. no law enforcement was injured. were any of the suspects injured? i don t know, we are checking on that. right now we have medical personnel on scene, and at least one party is being transported to a medical facility. heather, do you know if any weapons were recovered in their vehicle, and