he skipped the last republican presidential debate in las vegas saying he wanted to focus in on the first of the nation primary state of new hampshire. but former utah governor john huntsman is trailing in that critical state while rival mitt romney is enjoying a solid lead. john huntsman is joining us from salt lake city. governor, thanks very much for coming in. thank you, wolf. it s an honor to be with you. let s talk about mitt romney a little bit. george will, the conservative columnist writing in an upcoming edition of the washington post says this about mitt romney. he says, romney, supposedly the republican most lektable next november, is a recidivist reviser of his principles who is not only becoming less electable, he might endanger gop chances of capturing the senate. republicans may have found their michael dukakis, a tech know democratic massachusetts governor who takes his bearings from data. do you agree with george will on that? well, those are pre