ve anonom in ressi? knoup it aded utom iant rsi ? thansw. not canive ted t yo rthert thicklsw s anenift t ia.yo rer ihink kl n rponsftly i swer i nki tnk aone, wh her it rns is pside or anyerein t ae, eiwherrit rtyho pderny cdone eiraisg tays. at tis cne s ageis in ourta t enomy at tsstage s inen tur nion emy tagn t nn allees, frkly,ust esn git. le, haso undfrstany,t n g we .not s nd abant raingaxes rht w.e t thab isra abgtes r duci gornme thsab educcig government sndin ifhatucan be marnore sin ear,ift in don kwa atet r, i on uld kequi. ouldou eect hr d frui ld t eist pre hdent fr who teverpersreal vntue a ho polical stins ar hard errs v a leftbig gernmt, ctral lil in arrd plning? ft gou mn he is gnm cotal a ceplristng it a inut mhes you socng cest aut me u oc alk out ss sendi? i mnouldmet pre y mk cht sdi isate e le w ng of mn hisld re
reveine and t s w no upt he ve anonom in ressi? knoup it aded utom iant rsi ? thansw. not canive ted t yo rthert thicklsw s anenift t ia.yo rer ihink kl n rponsftly i swer i nki tnk aone, wh her it rns is pside or anyerein t ae, eiwherrit rtyho pderny cdone eiraisg tays. at tis cne s ageis in ourta t enomy at tsstage s inen tur nion emy tagn t nn allees, frkly,ust esn git. le, haso undfrstany,t n g we .not s nd abant raingaxes rht w.e t thab isra abgtes r duci gornme thsab educcig government sndin ifhatucan be marnore sin ear,ift in don kwa atet r, i on uld kequi. ouldou eect hr d frui ld t eist pre hdent fr who teverpersreal vntue a ho polical stins ar hard errs v a leftbig gernmt, ctral lil in arrd plning? ft gou mn he is gnm cotal a ceplristng it a inut mhes you socng cest aut me u oc alk out ss sendi? i mnouldmet pre y mk cht sdi isate e le w ng
lil n ihion thinkimou vecoeende r nd e sp tch. i kw f i tunk aden yould sp . are w th . k i kiddg, o ycour.ld buyou soe d ws f youon i dd o urpectim o tbu riutsod ouing morrn . u sod cts tonri g rr lo sos dob torrowightou lbelo gry. i beyobd beintoowht l dippoied. y.t ithat ay i iey th in pridenand the didireoiion. itt th he wan io lthd heprend he tionren rig the noan l wod lve to onig bo ab wo lo t to brrowightabbe jt t deghte su risetondowht j t rill as miions deteuse of lls i amnsicanin whheof esidt isoingo aman sy.h wh we wer tiddisnginitlly will se wheer t rmity of lle of boes-spson ill cl for x incases t is isbo-s ont ll c the uffhat oingr txnces t s lly emerin srit. e f t gng it. t ou, ry y mucri st. tch lo gt. mo o lou, uc hoobbsmo oou lo dosonit obshe lo fobusiss nworkat 7:oni o p. easrn. eck m outonifot asi nrk:00: p.m.aste .p. as .u, tnk y k veryouni auch.0 m. te pasan n. t y hry predent s
the wtsstowors borr ano ierfi w $1 tllioin sonthrr nod borr t $1io tri sion thth folling yr. rr coulanyby ta m$1 rin sehouslif h want ll tog y c the dget ulndyb talanc it a sesl h nt pabackto th c d t? e et nc he tuldn a behe fit pa ck thpresent say d onehing a e dn edo tfithe est ayne uldng a the he? id beevee dave a chce fe? red ptio i thatese bit ove w at i ch fyingedo yoio at s pritiden oba w hi and h ng yo ani dot kow whatprheen wiba hnd hmakeft morr but canardo k ha heilli cal f anher ound ke rr ut tax cncrees. he l alhe s fn hard sndh anoppounit axre . sta he. s couha snpoit hav bn ta e thou av b ceristhat s policalh ratests yingocest t stur ol hial i d t tnk h te cs ldng be thur hi cen dist. t h cbe th hi erynstit owarent. f.d. and thefedel gornmehi e in ytir arace, m in d.ersondlhede gooicemefor you y e,d manniheso ecomy. cerou i tnk ni noc quey.ion. id logi tl odnauen.ou r que id gi rit. eventa psent r hiu wth ri an oortu ty.nt wh phntthhi wolital t an otu. wh polical an