( ) astepro o allergy, stereroid free a allergy relef ththat starts s working in 3 30 minutes,s, while otheher allergyy spsprays take e hours. with astepepro s unbeaeataby fast a allergy relelief yoyou can astetepro and gog! (cat 1) friskies world! with astepepro s unbeaeataby fast a allergy relelief the purr-fect reminder that. life s more fun in the deep end. (cat 2) yeah! so never stop exploring. always keep it real. (cat 1) and do whatever floats your boat - just like we do. (vo) feed their fantasy. friskies kayakiking is my t thing. running g is awesomeme. but t her moderarate to sevevere eczemama wowould make h her skin so uncomomfortable.. now i m m staying ahahead of . dupixent h helps heal l your sn fromom within. soso, they canan have clearer r skin and d less itch.h. seriouous allergicic reactios can ococcur that c can be seve. tellll your doctctor about nw oror worseningng eye problbls such as s eye pain or visision changeges inclcluding blururred vision, joinint aches
hi, i m m todd. i m m a veteran n of 23 year. i seserved threeee overseas s . i i love to gigive back to the comommunity. i offer whwhat i can when i canan. i starteted noticingng my mememory was slslipping. i sasaw a prevagagen commercl anand i did sosome researcrch . i started d taking prerevagn about threree years agago. i i feel cleararer in my t tho, my mememory has imimproved and d generally y just momore on poinint. prevagen. . at stores s everye withouout a prescrcription. febrezeze! hate it whwhen a car freshenener hits you w with an oveverwhelmg blast t of perfumeme? febrbreze car r vent clipss work d differentlyly. fefebreze giveves you consistentnt freshnessss that s starts justst right anand stays jujust right.. .for 40 0 days. upgrgrade to febebreze car.. you u founded yoyour kayak c cy because yoyou love thehe ocea- not t spreadsheeeets. you need t to hire. i i need indeeeed. indeed y you do. inindeed instatant match i insy deliversrs quality c candidats matching y your
life, my brother s life. he lost everything.e1 my sister. she lost everything.e1 my nephews. they t tom, you ve been reporting on the ground for a couple of days now. the storm was so e1e1 powerful it seems like nothing in its track could withstand it.ok reporter: that is e1 right, lester. mobile homes but also homes made of brick. as you look behind me here, this was a neighborhood that was dotted with different types of structures. all of them completely gone. the mayor tells us he thinks 85% of his town is gone. i can tell you, lester, it s probably ó1gñ even more than that. and when residents here say they re lucky to be alive, they re priscilla thompson tonight on the experience of one woman in mississippi. i could have been dead.
[an to james and jamaal. hello. i didn t plan to speak james and jamaal. hello. i didn t plan to speak today james and jamaal. hello. i didn t plan to speak today but - james and jamaal. hello. i didn t plan to speak today but i - james and jamaal. hello. i didn t plan to speak today but i was - plan to speak today but i was sitting plan to speak today but i was sitting here watching everything. my t other sitting here watching everything. my brother was relieved robbed of his life. brother was relieved robbed of his life you brother was relieved robbed of his life. you know, my brother didn t live up life. you know, my brother didn t live up to life. you know, my brother didn t live up to the normal black men hvpe live up to the normal black men hype. basketball player, football player, hype. basketball player, football player, rapper, none of that. he sent player, rapper, none of that. he sent his player, rapper, none of that. he sent his own path. he made his own l
where? jeannie.e i i m right here. higr, how areae you.to hi, sean.e here i m doing great. great. if yo so fun to be here.s let s talk a few minutes about crime in new york . city.o i recently moved back afterhe sb being gone forwa a little whilet i used to take the subway all the time. i haven t taken it onceould since i got back . why would you everou move back i because i was in california. you go from bad to worse. t. okay, i get enoughelated the place. so it s probably because work b. i haven t taken it once related. but now you don t take the subway. i don t haven t taken it once. i m spending hundreds and ubers. what do you think needs to be done to make the subway safer? why do you think it s no my t bg done? well, my honest answer leave new york . no, i don t b. i m not being flippant.me just cam bace back . it is . in you pay more in taxes,s ab burdensomeoa regulation, more people. there was an articlee le leavinv new york to florida, texas,tenns the carolinas,