he understands weakness and power. and putin is all about substituting his own military power for the will and the confidence that he has to get his way in the ukraine. there is an old war college governor saying that when you create a military vacum, somebody fills it. and in this case bad people fill it and in my opinion. it is time to take military action and something that putin happen. put stealth aircraft in poland and armored brigades and put them in poland. they fear american armor more than anything else and aid the ukraine and sen them real weapons rather than in mre s and put the american presence in europe. and if we do that germans and british will follow our lead. great to have you here.
he understands weakness and power. and putin is all about substituting his own military power for the will and the confidence that he has to get his way in the ukraine. there is an old war college governor saying that when you create a military vacum, somebody fills it. and in this case bad people fill it and in my opinion. it is time to take military action and something that putin happen. put stealth aircraft in poland and armored brigades and put them in poland. they fear american armor more than anything else and aid the ukraine and sen them real weapons rather than in mre s and put the american presence in europe. and if we do that germans and british will follow our lead. great to have you here.
he understands weakness and power. and putin is all about substituting his own military power for the will and the confidence that he has to get his way in the ukraine. there is an old war college governor saying that when you create a military vacum, somebody fills it. and in this case bad people fill it and in my opinion. it is time to take military action and something that putin happen. put stealth aircraft in poland and armored brigades and put them in poland. they fear american armor more than anything else and aid the ukraine and sen them real weapons rather than in mre s and put the american presence in europe. and if we do that germans and british will follow our lead. great to have you here.
he understands weakness and power. and putin is all about substituting his own military power for the will and the confidence that he has to get his way in the ukraine. there is an old war college governor saying that when you create a military vacum, somebody fills it. and in this case bad people fill it and in my opinion. it is time to take military action and something that putin happen. put stealth aircraft in poland and armored brigades and put them in poland. they fear american armor more than anything else and aid the ukraine and sen them real weapons rather than in mre s and put the american presence in europe. and if we do that germans and british will follow our lead. great to have you here.
he understands weakness and power. and putin is all about substituting his own military power for the will and the confidence that he has to get his way in the ukraine. there is an old war college governor saying that when you create a military vacum, somebody fills it. and in this case bad people fill it and in my opinion. it is time to take military action and something that putin happen. put stealth aircraft in poland and armored brigades and put them in poland. they fear american armor more than anything else and aid the ukraine and sen them real weapons rather than in mre s and put the american presence in europe. and if we do that germans and british will follow our lead. great to have you here.