he builds companies. transfmational change in massachusetts. that s the mitt romney i know. this campaign has dinished him by maki him smaller than his great base heal really revea. there ishis attempt at real contrast. what i thought was another major moment and it wasn t the debate last night, was the contst romney painted of himself versus gingrich on thisissue of gingrich saying that the palestinians were an invented peop. watch. i wi exercise sublime care, stability, i m not a bomb thrower. rhetorically or literally. i think sometimes it is helpful for the president with the crage to tll thetruth, such as with rold reagan who went around his entire national securi apparus to call the soviet union an evil empire. the speaker may characterize that as coura but it s also a fact that thas a ver popular thi to say, to all the evangelicalsn wa. so where he say courage, some people see pander. he talks about the
he builds companies. transfmational change in massachusetts. that s the mitt romney i know. this campaign has dinished him by maki him smaller than his great base heal really revea. there ishis attempt at real contrast. what i thought was another major moment and it wasn t the debate last night, was the contst romney painted of himself versus gingrich on thisissue of gingrich saying that the palestinians were an invented peop. watch. i wi exercise sublime care, stability, i m not a bomb thrower. rhetorically or literally. i think sometimes it is helpful for the president with the crage to tll thetruth, such as with rold reagan who went around his entire national securi apparus to call the soviet union an evil empire. the speaker may characterize that as coura but it s also a fact that thas a ver popular thi to say, to all the evangelicalsn wa. so where he say courage, some people see pander. he talks about the paltinians.