For those interested in learning more about being an Oblate of St. Benedict, an informational meeting is planned for 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27, in the Lau Room at Madonna
after you. you have to stick with it. it is a more than a confection. it is an organized system that they re trying to place on this white house to say that they re undemocratic and, yes, there s a foreign element to it which you have to be honest about has something to do with the president s color. no two ways about it. the color, the name, the foreign nature of it and the ideological part of it, didn t sign up to a public option. what kind of hunta would do that? i know. i don t want to give away the commentary and already telegraphing guys. i think you know where i m going with this. yes. but i think there s wonderful things about america, the institutionalize the fact we accepted not just a political leader or head of an administration or chief executive or commander in chief but he is head of the country. our president is special. when he comes tlau room, you hold your kids up to see the president. when the baseball season starts, the old american sport of baseball, the