an opening for someone like christie and ryan to tkpwhet and tap peoples enthusiasm for that reason. jenna: we talked about mitch romney and tim palenty as well. will the issues define the candidacy, meaning that the economy is nut one issue going into this presidential election, is that going to define who the gop puts out there or will the tkaeupts themselves put out the issues that they speak of and define the campaign? i think the latter. candidates will define what they think the presidential cast is and the main advice would be sure, everyone is talking about the decifit and the economy, but people want a president to handle foreign policy, to give moral leadership, people want a president also to deal with the budget. i think there are republican candidates who have the broadest appeal who can present themselves the say as ronald reagan, an across the board conservative leader, willing to deal with threats, willing to deal with the budget decifit, also to have an economic gro