The districts of Red Wing Public Schools and Ellsworth Community School both made difficult COVID-related decisions during 2021 for the benefit of students, staff and families.
The districts of Red Wing Public Schools and Ellsworth Community School both made difficult COVID-related decisions during 2021 for the benefit of students, staff and families.
Albertans’ feedback is informing ongoing curriculum renewal, with adjusted implementation timelines, changes to the design of the Social Studies curriculum and more opportunities for engagement in the new year.
to add a covid vaccine to the list of inoculations required for in-person learning. i want to make sure our kids never have to worry about getting a call saying they can t go to school the next day because one of the kids or a staff member tested positive. reporter: he says it will be phased in by groups, 7-12 and k-6 after the fda approves the vaccine. parents waiting to vaccinate children under 12 hope that may happen by halloween. there s optimism about what may become the first oral medication to cut the risk of covid-19 hospitalization or death by nearly half. it s not a vaccine but an antiviral designed to fight the virus early after a covid diagnoses. the manufacturer says it s seeking emergency use authorization from the fda as soon as possible. i m very excited about a drug going forward to the fda for