Title Company of the Rockies’s food drive is taking place from Feb. 12-14. All items will go directly to the Local Food Pantry and distributed to Summit County families in need. Items in high demand.
Deed restrictions are guiding legal documents more powerful than Aspen/Pitkin County Housing Authority (APCHA) regulations, according to Executive Director Matthew Gillen. Certain deed restrictions, many of which were written in the ’70s or ’80s, do.
Summit County’s third annual coat drive will be held for three days during the last week of October. From 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Monday, Oct. 24 to Wednesday, Oct. 26, donations of adult.
The public is encouraged to help their Summit County neighbors by keeping them warm this winter with a donation of gently used winter coats to the Family & Intercultural Resource Center. Coats will be collected.
Summit Realtors and the Colorado Association of Realtors are offering wildfire mitigation grants for homeowners, hoping to help locals create defensible space on their properties. The grants will pay for tree removal to help community.