the on the books to keep our borders secure. it s very frustrating. i mean, we are losing countless lives every single day. we have people out there that don t have access to resources don t have access to treatment. san francisco needs to start thinking not only about housing this legislation to help people. but also they need to start thinking about. ah! focusing on how to get people also into recovery and creating more facilities to do so. but i do believe the start of starting to combat are open air drug market would be to pass this legislation. it s a two pronged problem. obviously individuals like your son need the help, but there s a way you can cut it off at the source and at least san francisco the people that were speaking about in office. they are thinking about doing something. you really wish the biden administration would have done something at the start, so this wouldn t even be an issue. tanya tillman, we re praying for you. we re praying for your son. be
Who is Larry Connor? The well-traveled billionaire plans to take a submersible to explore the Titanic site nearly one year after the fatal OceanGate tragedy.