Combating Errors Induced By Pulsating Flow in Flowmeter Measurement
Flowmeters are well known to be sensitive to effects like pulsating flow, which can cause errors in flow measurement. In a pulsating flow system, the velocity profile of the flow undergoes a dramatic change during each cycle of pulsation compared to even flow conditions.
Figure 1. Image Credit: Titan Enterprises Ltd.
Therefore, the key source of potential error in electronically sampling flow meters, like ultrasonic devices, is the sampling rate and how it will sense the real flow that passes through it.
How can Errors Generated by the Effects of Pulsating Flow be Minimized During Sampling?
Upturn in Demand for High Performance Mini Turbine Flowmeters
Titan Enterprises, a leading manufacturer and supplier of affordable, precision liquid flow measurement devices for a wide range of applications, reports an upturn in sales within its
low flow mini turbine flowmeter range.
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