i want to be the nominee. it is very hard to look at the recent polls and not think the odds are very high i m going to be the nominee. that s what s so crazy. republicans are up newt creek without a paddle. why will newt be the nominee? those guys were the new kid on the block and isn t this wonderful, boy it would be great if it worked out, and we don t know anything about them. i m the guy who s been around forever. that s newt gingrich s pitch. i m the fiend that has been in your pantry forever you can try your new fangled pop tarts and eggo waffles but if you look way back in there, there is a can of la choy baby corn. a product that may or may not still be offered by the la choy company. you don t remember buying it yet you don t remember ever being without it. and now you have no choice but to elect it president. i m newt gingrich and i approve
extended. there were no new revenues in the debt ceiling debacle and now he s pushed the president around again. this time over when he should deliver a speech on jobs. if that s your view, then you should send your congratulations to the speaker of the house. but the reality is that there are no winners at all. only the continuation of a decline in civility, respect and much-needed national unity. you ll remember that it president has already experienced gross discourtesy at the hands of congress from one joe wilson and from south carolina who decided to interrupt the commander in chief as he outlined his plans for health care reform. the reforms i m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. lie! and since then, matters have only worsened. it s worth noting when standard & poor s decided to down it grade the long-term credit
i m honest. i wish we had more of it in politics. you know what people are tired of in politics? blow dried, tested answers and everybody sounds the same, rrr, rrr, rrr. everybody sounds the same. i don t sound the same. you know why? i speak from the heart. rrr, rrr, rrr. chris christie is going to be on the show today. you know who is coming to princeton? it s going to be fun. time for the must read opinion pages. thank you. see the column yesterday? yeah. she says it president is bi. is he really? bipartisan, you mean? not bipartisan or bisexual. in afghanistan he wants to go, but he wants to say. on libya, wants to lead from
brought up where he was born. take a listen. i was born in hawaii. but i but i became a man here in chicago. reporter: something tells me, carol, it s not the last time we re going to hear this issue. i hope it is. i wish it would go away. i really do. talk about, 2012 is coming. i m sure the president already has a strategy mapped out. what do you think it might be? reporter: we saw a little last night. first three fund-raisers in chicago, first for his re-election. you could call it president by night, fund-raiser boy nigy nig. like george w. bush and bill clinton, you ll see this president doing fund-raisers
they re so complex, especially the obligations surrounding manafort s operation. could you make a case that absent donald trump entering his life paul manafort would just be off somewhere running his international business and lobbying, registered or unregistered in washington for various entities? i think you can absolutely make that case. and this is something that applies to a number of president trump s associates. you can almost sort of think of it as at anti-midas touch. there are people who have come into contact with this president and his campaign and they ve emerged the worse for, it battered and bruised. for some of the people, they had to compromise their conservative principles or they didn t have the principles we thought they did or they have to be endure being publicly humiliated by it president. in paul manafort s case, according to these allegations, he had been running a quite