Nosebleed (Epistaxis) is a bothersome symptom and often causes panic. Minor bleeds are self limiting and stops spontaneously, however persistent bleed that lasts for over 30 minutes require further evaluation.
At 15:03 on an otherwise-normal afternoon in 2014, an 85-year-old male developed a sudden onset of right-sided weakness. Upon witnessing his symptoms, a family member called emergency medical services at 15:08. At 15:13 EMS arrived.
The crew’s initial exam demonstrated an alert and oriented 100-kg geriatric male with marked weakness of his right arm and leg. His past medical history included coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, deep vein thrombosis status post-IVC filter, hypertension, and chronic atrial fibrillation. As scene time progressed, the patient became progressively aphasic and altered, with a final Cincinnati Stroke Scale score of 2 for arm drift and slurred speech.