To the Editor: This is a reply to the letter from Susanna J. Sturgis (“Lambert’s Cove Beach is inclusive,” May 18), the chair of West Tisbury Task Force Against Discrimination. The main point of her letter was this quote from the diversity statement: “The task force focuses on diversity involving ‘race, color, religious creed, national […]
To the Editor: Shame on you for making Erik Albert’s latest complaint a “Hot Topic Letter” without checking any of his allegations. If you’d bothered to ask any member of West Tisbury’s Task Force Against Discrimination, you would have learned that we put Mr. Albert on our agenda over a year ago at his request […]
The West Tisbury Task Force Against Discrimination hosts an informal discussion about town government in an effort to build more diversity among the policymakers on Feb. 11, at 2 pm, at the West Tisbury library. How do boards and committees actually work, and how can you join? How can you make a difference? Participants answering […]
The West Tisbury Task Force Against Discrimination will be holding a virtual meet and greet on Nov. 18 at 5:30 pm. The goal of the meet and greet is to introduce to the public the task force’s mission and goals, alongside meeting its members and asking them questions. A flyer about the meet and greet […]