Alert violent protests in Virginia who sail a state of emergency has been declared in Virginia as nearly a 1000 police officers respond to a rally that got physical in Charlottesville pitting white supremacists against counter protesters. Some rally are carrying shields and wearing militia uniforms are angry that the city has decided to take down a statue of Confederate General Robert e. Lee a lot of people walking around with very large sticks I ve seen a couple sticks. A couple people with sticks with nails I mean and I m. One of the people that you know our team said when he 1st got here he saw a couple of k.k.k. Members openly carrying handguns and assault kind of rifles foxes dug McKelway the city is coming down in a tweet governor Terry McAuliffe says that the acts and rhetoric of the last 24 hours are unacceptable President Trump hasn t tweeted on the situation in Charlottesville but his wife has 1st lady Malott a Trump says our country encourages freedom of speech but let s c
The president comes out warning eyeballs the Fox News Of The President has drawn the telling reporters who write to reporters on the idea of it that he s willing to testify under oath the about conversations he had while I m f.b.i. Director James called me before he fired just one of the so I just want to say so I start on your questioning from the press no one can afford to you then whatever urge that s what I would say is to let it go it was one of them I told him what investigation so when a writer of that he never lied to me I did a look at your website I hardly know the man I m not going to say I want you to handle each and smiley What do you think who would ask a man to pledge allegiance under oath but I can t think that he knew I hardly know them and that has a doesn t make sense bad record with Fox is that Henry of the White House Bill Cosby s a spokesman now dangling the possibility that is the entertainer you may testify to 2nd it was all trial street a legal expert say woul
Ontario across the country today rallies in protest of atrocities committed in the name of Sharia Law This man took part in one of them in New York City want to support us to save the Constitution to prevent ever being implemented because your real is directly opposed to the United States Constitution in many places there were counter alleys and at times things got tan What started out as a peaceful rally and counter protest quickly turned violent once the crowd dispersed we re told that in one incident a group of anarchists jumped a number of Sharia law protesters and police had to deploy pepper spray to get control of the crowd in another several blocks away another anarchist allegedly attacked a protester with a knife the victim is doing Ok and his attacker has been arrested a.b.c. News Seattle the Taliban claiming responsibility for killing 3 u.s. Soldiers in Afghanistan an Afghan soldier opening fire on them A.B.C. s Louis Martinez on how these attacks can happen even with securi
Airbase in Sicily every single day you protect the safety and security of the American people and provide a symbol of hope freedom and justice for the world to our friends and allies you are the ultimate reassurance to our enemies you are the ultimate deterrent the president was in Sicily for meetings with other world leaders after stops in Saudi Arabia Israel and meeting with the pope live in Tower Mena Italy Here s Fox s Simon Owen Chris at the end of his overseas travels the president saying we hit a home run wherever we went the final diplomatic gathering was a summit of leaders in the g 7 group of wealthy nations which ended with the leaders failing to Ishi a united statement on climate change the u.s. Not endorsing the 2015 Paris climate a quote The president promised a decision on that next week the new French president president trying to stick with the agreement saying it s indispensable for the interests of Americans Chris and I mean no one thinks the Islamic state terrorist
President Trump wraps up his 1st foreign trip today but not before another round of talks on the global economy and climate change Fox s Simon Ellen is live at the g. 7 Summit in Tel Mena Italy power much talk about the Paris climate accord which President Obama signed up to and President Trump has threatens to quit the White House saying the president has been listening to other world leaders and that his views are evolving but that his final verdict will be based on what s best for the American people in the meantime the leaders of the g. 7 this group of rich nations meeting with African leaders Italy hosting this summit chose to stage on the shores of the Mediterranean west thousands of people have drowned in recent years attended to sail from North Africa to Europe thanks Simon here at home the president s son in law is under increased scrutiny a lawyer for presidential advisor Jerry cushion or says he s willing to cooperate with federal investigators looking into ties between Rus