Throughout its five-decade history, the Wacipi at the University of South Dakota has brought people together to celebrate and honor Native culture through song, dance, storytelling and community.
The Board of Regents staff came to the South Dakota college town on Thursday night to discuss recommended changes from a cost-cutting task force, but students turned the conversation to the imperiled campus diversity center.
The Board of Regents staff came to the South Dakota college town on Thursday night to discuss recommended changes from a cost-cutting task force, but students turned the conversation to the imperiled campus diversity center.
The Board of Regents staff came to the South Dakota college town on Thursday night to discuss recommended changes from a cost-cutting task force, but students turned the conversation to the imperiled campus diversity center.
The Board of Regents staff came to the South Dakota college town on Thursday night to discuss recommended changes from a cost-cutting task force, but students turned the conversation to the imperiled campus diversity center.