Pokemon GO: Shiny Fletchling Community Day March 2021 - Date, Evolution and Research
It s almost time for Shiny Fletchling.
The date is fast approaching for March’s
Pokemon GOCommunity Day. So far this year, we’ve been blessed with both Machop and Roselia, and now it’s the turn of the Tiny Robin Pokemon, Fletchling. Here is everything you need to know about the upcoming Shiny Fletchling
Pokemon GO Community Day for March 2021.
Here’s an announcement that’s sure to have you tweeting!
We’re excited to announce that March #PokemonGOCommunityDay will feature none other than Fletchling, the Tiny Robin Pokémon! https://t.co/d9NW6x5gaFpic.twitter.com/KQhggW8UzP