hers istn rollers or ldhoing ndhas, many no taller than their family s luggage. d anthen there were those like this woman, anxiously itwaing for loved ones toaf sely cross pothe lish boerrd. pleaset , nowar, pleas repor bter:uthe t horrors of war are why this little boy and his moerth hitcdhe three rides overnigh gt toet to the border.ju st adafy bee,or she aiclmed rethe of her frienweds reot sh in the figh tingand worse hangings,r e,ap killings. she told us the russians hanged onfre iend and raped another. ty heleft behind fami mlyembers and her babsy father with almo stnoth uing,nsure when tyhe may be unreited. wen foud katya and herch ildren restin g ina quiet area warming emthselves by a fe.ir shwoe s rrd ieabout rhe brother o is fighting, and her reldely parents who insisted on stgayin