A group of foreign investors has asked a federal judge to enforce a settlement ending a class action against a developer who they say defrauded them in an EB-5 investment plan for a shopping center project, saying a dispute about who is responsible for settlement payments arose after the parties agreed to essential terms.
Counsel for a real estate developer who is a defendant in a class action over a foreign investment project has asked that plaintiffs' counsel withdraw a notice of settlement status filed in Florida federal court, saying the agreement was never signed by him and contained settlement amounts and terms that should have been kept confidential.
Two Chinese nationals alleging that a Florida real estate developer duped foreign investors out of $100 million through an EB-5 visa scheme urged a federal judge Friday to reject the developer's bid to recover $54,000 in attorney fees after the court trimmed a claim for civil theft.
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Matthew Whitman Lazenby, Grant Cardone, Phil Collins, Orianne Bates, Russell Galbut, Natalie Brabner, Craig Studnicky and Masoud Shojaee (Lazenby by Sonya Revell; Getty, iStock)
The pandemic did not stop top real estate players from seeking relief through the courts or from becoming legal targets, themselves. So, there was no shortage of juicy lawsuits featuring the top names in the industry. Here are the top 10 lawsuits reported by
The Real Deal in 2020:
Bal Harbour Shops vs. Saks Fifth Avenue
The economic fallout of the pandemic is endangering one of the longest running tenant-landlord relationships in luxury retail. In early September, Bal Harbour Shops sued to evict Saks Fifth Avenue for allegedly failing to pay more than $1.8 million in rent. Saks Fifth Avenue, claiming government shutdowns associated with Covid-19 mitigation measures impacted its ability to operate and produce sales, countersued Bal Harbour Shops and Whitman Family Development�