is working without papers is because we have an immigration system that is broken by design. remember it s jeff sessions and people like him who have opposed reforming our immigration laws. cries tina, briefly, the last word on what you want to see going forward here? well, i mean, i wish that we could get jeff sessions out. he was only confirmed with 52 votes from the senate. i i think what we hopefully will e are people on a more local level, sort of district attorneys, u.s. attorneys, even though he is you know sort of their head really erpt sbing the law in a way that is much more equitable and not in this broken scenario of essentially fear amongeri amo mongering that the president is putting forth. thank you for joining me. we ll be right back. watch.
when i take the oath of office next year, i will restore law and order to our country. believe me. believe me. in this race for the white house, i am the law and order candidate. [ cheers and applause ] sp joining me now, crease tina greer, and maria he willina encopier. christina, what do you think about what the doj is trying to do under sessions and how they are already hitting at least some turbulence in federal court on police reform? i think this just shows us the real importance of the
when i take the oath of office next year, i will restore law and order to our country. believe me. believe me. in this race for the white house, i am the law and order candidate. [ cheers and applause ] sp joining me now, crease tina greer, and maria he willina encopier. christina, what do you think about what the doj is trying to do under sessions and how they are already hitting at least some turbulence in federal court on police reform? i think this just shows us the real importance of the separation of powers. we have to make sure that the courts stand as a check on some of the president s initiatives. when trump says he wants to be a law and order candidate we hear a george wallace tactic. she is trying to create this apocalyptic scenario where quote unquote illegal immigrants and essentially people of color are