This morning on the washington journal, we asked viewers to weigh in. We want to know whether you think the president should move forward on hiS Immigration plant. Phone lines are open. 202 5853880 for democrats. 202 5853881 for republicans. 202 5853882 for independents. Are outside if you the us. You can also email us, use facebook and twitter. A very good saturday morning to you. Here are the headlines today in wall street journal. Immigration plan test president s reach. Whether president use millions for deportation. Of course, the details of that plan is not yet officially released, but some reports on that plan coming out this past week. In terms of what we know about the plan, heres what we know the Research Center their report from yesterday. It is supposed to affect already ts who have been living in the country for long period of time, and families in which the members are your citizens and others are us citizens, and others are not. It could include 3. 5 million parents of u - The Latvian government has come up with a unique way to help Ukraine in its war against Russia: It’s donating the automobiles of Latvian citizens who were arrested for drunk driving. Friends of Israel, take note. A few weeks ago, when Israel seized and dismantled a house that a Palestinian Arab terrorist was
Perhaps Israel should remind the critics that its counter-terror operations are consistent with the wise counsel of the late Justice Ginsburg and her colleagues.