stuff a combination of bravery and maci small that drove them to take on dangerous missions with aircraft that were still in the development stage. armstrong s interest in aircraft dates back to his early childhood he and his father once took a ride in a ford tri motor known as the tin goose they also attended local air shows together . armstrong knew from the very start that he wanted to be a pilot later he worked various jobs to earn money for flying lessons and earned a student flight certificate on the day he turned 16. he also made his 1st solo flight later that month. in 1947 armstrong enrolled at purdue university and studied aeronautical engineering his 2. it was paid for by
stuff a combination of bravery and mochy small that drove them to take on dangerous missions with aircraft that were still no development stage. armstrong s interest in aircraft dates back to his early childhood he and his father once took a ride in a ford tri motor known as the tin goose they also attended local air shows together . armstrong knew from the very start that he wanted to be a pilot later he worked various jobs to earn money for flying lessons and earned a student flight certificate on the day he turned 16. he also made his 1st solo flight later that month. in 1947 armstrong rolled a university and studied aeronautical engineering. his tuition was paid for by
cutler. armstrong served as a navy pilot during the korean war 1955 he signed on with the government s high speed flight station at edwards air force base in california. his 1st job was piloting chase planes during tests of experimental aircraft the flight station was home to some of the country s best airmen. they had the right stuff a combination of bravery and maci small that drove them to take on dangerous missions with aircraft that were still in the development stage. armstrong s interest in aircraft dates back to his early childhood he and his father once took a ride in a ford tri motor known as the tin goose they also attended local air shows together .