you are right, to a lot of folks who care about the economy and jobs, first and foremost to hear partisan rhetoric in foreign policy, it may have had a bit of a tin ear. i think a lot of people are anticipating the first presidential debate in denver, colorado. 26 days from now. october 3. what is next for both campaigns moving forward, rick? reporter: oddly enough, it s back to where they started. both campaigns are going to be in iowa and new hampshire later today. both of the early primary states is sort of emblematic of this so close election. it s been tied for months. we are back where we started literally. good insight. appreciate it, rick. thank you very much. this line summed it up. he says, the choice you face won t be between two candidates or two parties, a choice between two different paths for america. a choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future. so a speech light on details. light on policy. trying to say i have this vision. other guys h
you are right, to a lot of folks who care about the economy and jobs, first and foremost to hear partisan rhetoric in foreign policy, it may have had a bit of a tin ear. i think a lot of people are anticipating the first presidential debate in denver, colorado. 26 days from now. october 3. what is next for both campaigns moving forward, rick? reporter: oddly enough, it s back to where they started. both campaigns are going to be in iowa and new hampshire later today. both of the early primary states is sort of emblematic of this so close election. it s been tied for months. we are back where we started literally. good insight. appreciate it, rick. thank you very much. this line summed it up. he says, the choice you face won t be between two candidates or two parties, a choice between two different paths for america. a choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future. so a speech light on details. light on policy. trying to say i have this vision. other guys h
have not put out more tax returns is because the candidate anhis wife are stubborn on this. they do not want too this. they thi it s oside t boun of wha should be asked of candidate. mi romney has essentially said the same thing which is we ve done everything that s legally required. there s no debate about that. there s no debate that mitt romney somehow broke laws with their tax returns but what is legally permissible and what is politically acceptable are two very different constructs. i think by continuing to emphasize that they ve done everything legally required of them, it s a tin ear to the politics of this. i continue to believe they are going to have to release more tax returns but i would say there is clearly a stubbornness with the candidate and the candidate s wife about doing so. maybe they won t, even though it is in my mind politically smart for them to do some more release of tax returns. chris cillizza, see you later. thank you very much. utah congressman jason ch
100-round ammunition clip to kill and wound as many people as he possibly can, our government believes that we should do nothing. are the media inflaming the issue? plus, with the london olympics underway, nbc news pulls out the stops to promote the network s coverage of the games. back here in london with tower bridge lit up so beautifully behind us, with less than 24 hours to go now until the opening ceremony is this promotion in the guise of news? we ll talk about that and more with veteran sports writer frank deford. i m howard kurtz, and this is reliable sources. it s becoming standard practice for a presidential candidate to buttress his dippic credentials by meeting with world leaders when candidate obama did it in 2008, all three network anchors flew overseas to interview him. [ applause ] i ll be reporting next week from the middle east. we ll have the first one-on-one interview with senator obama. the coverage of mitt romney s visit to britain, pol
the opportunity to do that. we can do a whole lot better. i am glad there is broad agreement with that. greta: you use the term unfortunate, that seems so polite for a profoundly stupid thing. what a tin ear. is there anything that represents our country more than our country going overseas and hopefully showing our talents and achievements? you know, the olympic committee, by the way, issued a statement, saying they are privately funded and partnered with ralph lauren, so that should make us happy i added that last part. it doesn t make anyanybody happy. that s clear t. makes us very, very urnhappy and outraged. here we are, as we say, this is our american team, they are bearing our flag. they are not wearing uniforms in the country whose flag and people they represent. we have a great opportunity in the united states to bring